
How hand washing and scrubbing differentiate?

Hand washing  :

Wash with vigorous mechanical action on all hand surfaces for at least 40 seconds  .

• Rinse under poured or running water. 

To effectively reduce the growth of germs on hands, hand rubbing must be performed by following steps .

• Take only 20 - 30 seconds

Surgical Scrub :

• Process of removing as many microorganisms as possible with the help of scrub brush and &  chemical antiseptic soap .

• Six drops (about 2 to 3 mL) of solution is used• 

A vigorous 2- to 5-minute is effective.

How hand washing and scrubbing differentiate?

Steps for the Brush and Stroke Method:

Gather Supplies: You will need an antimicrobial soap, a sterile brush or sponge (with bristles on one side), and sterile water.

Initial Hand Rinse: Wet your hands and forearms thoroughly under warm running water.

Apply Antimicrobial Soap: Dispense a generous amount of antimicrobial soap onto your hands and forearms.

Scrub Fingernails and Cuticles:

Use the bristled side of the brush to clean under your nails and around your cuticles

Stroke each nail 30 times (recommended in surgical settings) in a downward motion.

Rinse the brush intermittently in sterile water to remove debris.

Scrub Each Finger:

Start with the fingertips and scrub each finger individually, focusing on the spaces between fingers. Use 10–20 strokes for each side of the finger.

Repeat this process for each finger on both hands.

Scrub the Palms and Back of the Hands:

Use the sponge side of the brush to scrub the palms in a circular motion.

Scrub the back of the hands using a similar stroke pattern, paying extra attention to the knuckles and other folds of the skin.

Scrub the Wrists and Forearms:

Move up to the wrists and scrub in circular strokes.

Gradually scrub up to the elbows in circular motions, using long, sweeping strokes, especially in surgical settings.

Cleaning of the entire forearm.

Rinse Thoroughly: Rinse your hands and forearms under sterile running water, keeping your hands higher than your elbows to avoid water running from the elbows back to the hands.

Dry Hands: After scrubbing, dry your hands and forearms with a sterile towel, again ensuring your hands remain elevated above your elbows.

Preparation before hand hygiene :

• The skin and  nails should be kept clean.

• A non oil based product is recommended to protect the skin.

• Fingernails should not reach beyond the fingertips to avoid glove puncture.

• Fingernail polish should not be chipped or cracked.

• All jewelry is removed from the fingers, wrists and neck .

• All hair should be covered by head wear .

• Adjust the disposable mask snugly and comfortably over  the nose and mouth.

 Comfortable water temperature is used as hot water increases chafing and cooler water helps to minimize dry skin.

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