
Microbiology of skin

 Microbiology of skin :

The skin is inhabited by the following organisms:

   Transient organisms

• Acquired by direct contact.

• Usually loosely attached to the skin surface.

Mechanically removed by thorough washing.

Resident organism 

Found below the skin surface in hair follicles and sweat glands.

•  Adherent to skin surface 

Chemically removed by using cleaning agent.

Microbiology of skin

Reserch: Skin Preparation for the Prevention of Surgical Site Infection: Which Agent Is Best?

Micah L Hemani, MD and Herbert Lepor, MD

To assess the efficacy of cutaneous antisepsis to prevent catheter-associated infection, we

prospectively studied three antiseptics for disinfection of patients.

The most common agent used today include product containing iodophor or CHG.

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