
Prons and cons of washer sterilizer over manual cleaning

Prons and cons of  washer sterilizer over manual cleaning 

Prons and cons of  washer sterilizer over manual cleaning

Manual cleaning :


  • Parts can be cleaned without complete immersion in solution
  • Microsurgical & opthalmic instruments are cleaned through this method ; not put in washer sterilizer
  • Additional cleaning equipment such as wash & rinse tank is not necessary  


  • Cleaning efficacy is less
  • Required additional time to complete
  • Labor intensive process 
  • Cleaning solution consumption is higher
  • Limitation on use of aggressive chemical
  • Personnel requires PPE to prevent accidental spray from contaminated body fluids 
  • Cost analysis : 50 -60 thousands to buy ; 30,000 for staff monthly ; 30,000 for its maintainance & repair .

Washer sterilizer :


  •  can handle a large capacity of instruments
  • It has  a fully automated cycle
  •  It result in reduced instrument handling. 
  • It can include thermal disinfection from 176 to 194 degrees Fahrenheit (80 to 90 degrees Celsius)
  • Instruments may be safely handle without gloves


  • It depends on liquid spray as the method for removing dirt and debris. 
  • If parts of instruments are not exposed directly to the spray, they may not get cleaned.  
  • More costly to purchase
  • Cost - 40 - 50 lakh to buy with automatic repair option 

The first, and perhaps most significant, is the advancement made in upgrading from manual or  decontamination to an automatic

washer/disinfector alone can help CPD develop a quality decontamination system that will do more for less.

The second advancement has been in automating material handling systems that support automated single-chamber washers, and containing or reducing the amount of staff required to keep them humming.

References :

1 . Efficacy of a Washer-Disinfector in Eliminating Healthcare-Associated Pathogens from Surgical Instruments , William A. Rutala ,Maria F. Gergen & David J. Weber by cambridge university , 10 may 2016

2.  Evaluation of the effectiveness of an enzymatic cleaner & glutaraldehyde-based disinfectant for chemothermal processing of flexible endoscopes in washer-disinfectors in …B Zühlsdorf, G KampItf Endoscopy 38 (06), 586-591, 2006 

3. Natural bioburden levels detected on flexible gastrointestinal endoscopes after clinical use and manual cleaning Nancy S.ChuMSPatricia A.Antonoplos

4. Automating CPD Instrument Cleaning & Decontamination By Michael Cain

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