
Showing posts from March, 2023

Batch Dosimeters with their types

Dosimeters A batch dosimeter is a type of radiation dosimeter that is designed to measure the amount of radiation exposure over a specific period , typically over several weeks or months.   Batch dosimeters are often used in occupational settings where workers may be exposed to radiation regularly, such as in nuclear power plants, medical facilities, or research laboratories. They are also relatively inexpensive and easy to use, making them a practical option for many occupational settings. Radiation workers who are issued single badges for monitoring whole-body dose should wear them in the region of the collar with the label facing out. When a lead apron is worn, the dosimeter should be outside the lead apron.  Technologists who work with fluoroscopy may wear two badges , one on the collar outside the lead apron and one at the waist that is under the apron. The two dosimeters should be distinguished by color or icons indicating their specific locations. Personnel who are issu...


PHYSICAL LAYOUT OF THE SURGICAL SUITE   The physical layout of an operating theater, also known as an operating room, can vary depending on the hospital or surgical facility. Efficient use of the physical facilities is important. The design of the surgical suite offers a challenge to the planning team to optimize efficiency by creating realistic traffic and workflow patterns for patients, visitors, personnel, and supplies. The design also should allow for flexibility and future expansion. Architects consult surgeons, perioperative nurses, and surgical services administrative personnel before designating functional space within the surgical suite. The surgical suite is divided into three geographic areas that are designated by the physical activities performed in each area Unrestricted Area  In the unrestricted surgical area street clothes are permitted. A corridor on the periphery accommodates traffic from outside, including patients. This area is isolated by doors from the m...

Difference between anesthesia machine & ventilation machine

  An   anaesthetic machine   ( British English ) or   anesthesia machine   ( American English ) is a   medical device   receives medical gases (oxygen, nitrous oxide, air) under pressure and  accurately controls the flow of each  gas individually. A gas mixture of  the desired composition at a define  flow rate is created before a known  concentration of an inhalational  agent vapour is added. Gas and  vapor mixtures are continuously  delivered to the common gas outlet  of the machine, as fresh gas flow  (FGF) , and to the breathing system  and patient . Components of anesthesia machine: It consists of  1.Gas supplier 2. Pressure gauges 3. Pressure regulators (reducing  valves) 4. Flowmeters 5. Vaporizers 6. Common gas outlet 7. A variety of other features, e.g.  high-flow oxygen flush, pressure  relief valve and oxygen supply  f ailure alarm and suction  apparatus 8....

What are the types of indicators?

Indicator Devices inserted into packed set and attached to the outside of the wrapper/container to monitor sterilization exposure conditions. Sterilization indicators are tools used to verify the effectiveness of a sterilization process. They are important in ensuring that medical equipment, instruments, and supplies are free from harmful microorganisms, and are safe to use on patients.  There are several types of sterilization indicators, including: 1. Biological Indicator  2. Chemical Indicator 3. Mechanical Indicator Biological indicators (BIs): These are the most accurate type of sterilization indicators and are used to monitor sterilization processes that utilize heat, such as autoclaving. They contain spores of heat-resistant bacteria that are killed when the sterilization process is successful. BIs are often used in healthcare settings to ensure that medical equipment and instruments are properly sterilized.   The biological microorganism used in steam ...

Mono vs Bipolar Cautery

 Mono vs Bipolar Cautery  Cautery may be a therapeutic method utilized to evacuate or crush undesirable tissue or control bleeding by applying heat to the affected area.  The initial incision is made by a scalpel. The Electrosurgical unit (ESU) is not used to incise the skin. Electrosurgery can be used on fat, fascia, muscle, internal organs, and vessels. ESUs operate at frequencies between 100,000 and 1 0,000,000 Hz. This current can be passed through tissue without causing stimulation of muscles or nerves. Electrosurgery differs from electrocautery. Electrocautery is the use of a unidirectional current generated by a self-contained battery-operated disposable instrument with a wire at the tip. The wire heats when activated and coagulates the tissue. The energy does not enter the patient’s body. The ESU uses an alternating current that passes through the patient’s tissues and returns to the generator.  Two forms of cautery are commonly used in surgery:  ...

Alternative hand hygiene methods in surgical and clinical settings

 Hand scrubbing alternative methods  Many peoples face allergies due to scrubbing repeatedly. Here are some solutions for those.  Hand scrubbing is an important step in maintaining hygiene in healthcare settings, particularly in surgical procedures. However, there are alternative methods to hand scrubbing that can be used when traditional hand scrubbing is not possible or practical. One alternative method is the use of alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHR ). ABHRs contain high concentrations of alcohol, which can effectively kill a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi. They are also quick and easy to use, requiring only a small amount of product and a few seconds of rubbing to achieve effective disinfection. [Waterless hand rub with an alcohol based chlorhexidine gluconate solution can be a safe, quick, and cost-effective alternative to traditional hand scrub.] [ The Waterless method using natural soap during handwashing followed by alcohol-based...